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Career Opportunities With Flame Heating

If you’re ready to start a career with a strong, hardworking company, Flame Heating offers full-time employment, extended health and dental insurance, and uniforms. Wages are determined by experience.

man repairing ac unit

Flame Heating Is Currently Accepting Resumes for the Following Positions

Residential Furnace and Hot Water Heater Installer
  • Must be able to perform installations of high-efficiency furnaces.
  • Must have strong knowledge of sheet metal installations.
  • Must have Class B gas ticket and clean driving record.
  • Sheet metal ticket would be an asset.
Light Commercial Service Technician
  • Must be able to diagnose/troubleshoot rooftop A/C units and heat pumps, and perform residential furnace service work when required.
  • Must have Class B gas ticket; applicants with refrigeration ticket will be considered.

Please email your résumé to us, or fax it to 604-273-6173.


Call Today to Request a Free Estimate on Our HVAC Services

Vancouver / Richmond Delta / Ladner / Tsawwassen Surrey / Langley