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When our water heater packed it in, I asked three of our neighbours who they'd recommend. All three said "Flame Heating". I called that morning and by early afternoon we had our new water heater installed. Quick, efficient, friendly service from the dispatcher, Lori, and our installer Ed was absolutely fantastic! A definite 5 star experience.

Fred, 01/20/2020

A treat on Halloween from Flame Heating !
On October 31 Ed cleaned our ducts and Dharmen serviced our aging furnace. They did a super job. Their professional, skillful workmanship was something we have grown to appreciate and expect from the Flame Heating team. Over the past 22 years projects such as: new furnace and water heater installations along with part replacements and repairs to keep them working for as long as possible; duct cleaning; regular servicing calls, and follow up checks have all been handled with the same level of professionalism and attention. Lori’s sympathetic and patient voice over the phone is always a comfort when trying to articulate what it is that is needed.
Based on our experiences, we highly recommend Flame Heating!

Theresa Herchak, 11/07/2019

Call Today to Request a Free Estimate on Our HVAC Services

Vancouver / Richmond Delta / Ladner / Tsawwassen Surrey / Langley